Thursday, July 16, 2015

Nutritional Immunology

I chanced upon this wonderful science through a friend of mine, introducing me into the world of Nutritional Immunology. So what is Nutritional Immunology and what makes it so wonderful and practical to us? Nutritional Immunology is a prevention science that look at how nutrients from our daily diet will affect our immune system. Nutritional Immunology believe that with the proper  and right nutrition, we are able to boost up our immune system, and hence, have a healthy body. 

Lets first talk about nutrients. Where do people get their daily dose of nutrition today? The answer is pretty simple - we are what we eat. Our daily nutrients comes from our diet (i.e. our breakfast, lunch and dinner). And hence, it is important to have proper meals, and balance diet. Only when we have the proper nutrients, will our body cells get nourished and our immune system can function properly. 

A proper immune system will perform 3 major functions, namely - Protect, Cleanses and Repair. 

Protect: a good immune system protect us from harmful bacteria. Have you ever wonder why some people catch cold so easily while some doesn't, even when both are in the same environment? For example, why some people manage to survive the SARS or MERS, while some died from such virus infection? It is only when your immune system is good enough and is functioning, will your body be able to ward off unwanted cold, diseases, virus and even bacteria. 

Cleanses: a good immune system will make sure that toxic accumulated in your body, or unwanted waste be cleanse out of the body. This can be done through pass motioning, urination, sweating, and even tearing. For example, when we cough, and have a runny nose, our body is actually cleansing out the dusts and unwanted bacteria from our body, together with the mucus that is expelled through the body. It is important for our body to be able to be cleanse, or else, all the toxic will be accumulated in our body. 

Repair: a good immune system will help to repair our body and renew/regenerate cells. For example, a normal person with a functioning immune system is able to have a cut wound healed easily, while a person with diabetes, with malfunctioning immune system, will not be able to have his wound healed easily. Instead, he needs to go to the hospital and have his wound properly cleaned up, or else it would worsen and result in amputations. 

Through the above, we can't deny that a functioning immune system is important for us to survive in this world. So how do we get the right and proper nutrients to enable our immune system to function properly?  We got to eat it right! Diet plays a vital role in our daily life, with a proper diet, we can cut down 40% of risks to certain diseases such as cancer and even auto immune diseases. 

Please share your views if you agree with the science above! 

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